We believe in an equitable city where all people have the opportunity to prosper and thrive
Together, with our members and affiliated organizations, we have three roles:
Identify, research, and advance the best of ideas that promote equitable city policies and investments
Educate residents about public policy initiatives, innovative growth solutions, and candidates for public office that champion a more inclusive Denver
Educate, empower, and communicate with courageous community leaders that advance progressive change in Denver
Mobilize unheard voices and build grassroots support
Encourage business and government leaders to proactively confront and manage our city’s growth issues
Monitor civic dialogue and the ever-changing issues affecting the City and County of Denver.
Uplift Denver’s historically marginalized communities and people through policy,
Collaborate with others who share our values and seek to make Denver a more equitable place
Educate with objective, compelling, and reliable information
Demand transparency and honesty from our civic leaders
Support innovative solutions that have the power to transform our community
Our Agenda...
Housing Accessibility
To preserve and create more affordable housing ranging from low income units to workforce housing to homeownership pathways, providing accessible housing at all income levels, and for all walks of life, including the unhoused, our seniors, service industry workers, young professionals, and families
Progressive Land Use Policy
To support cohesive, innovative urban design and city planning solutions that manage Denver’s growth in considerate and pragmatic ways, promoting accessibility, inclusivity, diversity, and ecological responsibility in our communities
Multi-Modal Transportation
To increase mobility options beyond the automobile, incentivize a car-free commute, and make it easier to walk, bike, wheelchair roll, or ride transit to get around the Denver Metro Area
Health and Wellness
To encourage healthy lifestyles and advocate for easy and more equitable access to quality healthcare for all who live here
Public Investments
To guarantee public funds are invested in parts of our community that need it most, ensuring that public expenditures are used to dismantle rather than reinforce historic inequalities